Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Jailbreak For iPhone

iPhone Dev team have just released PwnageTool 4.2 for iOS 4.2.1 that incorporates the untether exploit used by Chronic Dev Team in greenpois0n that was
released few days back. PwnageTool 4.2 will allow iPhone users to safely restore to a pre-jailbroken iOS 4.2.1 firmware and retain their current baseband
so that they can use Ultrasn0w to unlock their GSM iPhone. PwnageTool 4.2 also includes fixes for iBooks issue that we had reported earlier and Wi-Fi
problem on Apple TV 2G.

greenpois0n to jailbreak

Chronic Dev Team has just released greenpois0n to jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 for Windows for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 4G,iPod Touch 3G and iPad.
In this guide, we will take you through the step by step procedure to jailbreak your iPhone 4 or iPhone 3GS on iOS 4.2.1 using greenpois0n.

Here are some important points to note before you proceed:
•Please note that jailbreaking your iPhone may void your warranty and hence proceed with caution and at your own risk.
•This guide is meant for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS users only. iPod Touch 4G and iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 2G users can checkout this step-by-step guide and iPad users can checkout this step-by-step guide.
•Greenpois0n supports iOS 4.2.1 and iOS 4.1. So you need to first update your iPhone with iOS 4.1 or iOS 4.2.1 to use greenpois0n. Please do NOT upgrade to iOS 4.1 or iOS 4.2.1 if you want to unlock your iPhone.
•Please note that this guide is only meant for Windows users. Mac users can refer to this step-by-step guide.
•greenpois0n does NOT hactivate your iPhone, so your iPhone should be activated via iTunes first.
•Do not forget to backup your iPhone before you proceed. You can refer to this post for instructions on how to backup your iPod Touch.
•Please ensure you are running latest version of iTunes, iTunes 10.1 or later.
•After the jailbreaking process is complete, do not forget to checkout our article on tips to keep your iPhone secure.
You can follow these step-by-step instructions to jailbreak your iPod Touch:

Monday, February 7, 2011

No more Intel chip in iPhone

Apple is going to Abandon Intel Chips In Next Gen iPhone

Hon Hai Group and Foxconn are going to manufacture 5th gen iPhone.  This edition will be replacing Intel chips by Qualcomm baseband chip.  It’s expected to land just under a year from now. It will be drastic change if Apple drops away from the Infineon chips who are behind the baseband for the iPad 3G and all iPhone model since 2007.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

How To Save and Read Your iPhone Text Messages On Your Computer

This presentation will help you save all those important and juicy text messages on your iPhone to your computer for later reading.

If you followed my previous tutorial, “How To Recover Your iPhone Files, Photos, Contacts, Notes, SMS, Call History, Etc.”, you learned how to recover iPhone files from a backup on your computer to restore back to your iPhone. By now you should already downloaded and installed two free applications called DiskAid and iPhone Backup Extractor. For this tutorial, we only need DiskAid to transfer your text messages or SMS from your iPhone to your computer, but we need another one to read those messages from a database and save them in a file format that can be read and properly formatted by an application like MS Excel or any other spreadsheet. This is where we need SQLite Database Browser.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Fall asleep listening to iPhone

Now, there are several applications from the App Store that can help us relax and fall asleep by listening to the sound of nature, instruments, or other soothing sounds with timers to automatically turn-off the sounds at a pre-determined time. The applications reviewed here are Ambiance, iChillout and aSleep, all for $0.99 each. You don’t have to buy all of them. Their features are almost the same, and what’s more important is finding the sound that will help you relax and fall asleep.

Recover Your iPhone Files, Photos, Contacts, Notes, SMS, Call History, Etc.

For some reason, if you lost some important information on your iPhone, whether from 3rd party applications, your photos, contacts, notes, SMS, call history, calendar, etc., and doing a restore from iTunes is futile, don’t give up yet! As long as you have performed a backup in iTunes recently, your data is safely tucked away in a database in your computer—but you need another tool that can read and extract the data so you can copy it back to your iPhone.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~In case you want to know, your iPhone backups are located in your Mac (~Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup) or on a PC (c:\Documents and Settings\Application Data\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup).~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
What You Need
Download and install the following:
DiskAid for Mac (http://www.digidna.net/products/diskaid)or Windows (requires a jailbroken phone to access the Root Folder)
iPhone Backup Extractor for Mac ( http://supercrazyawesome.com/ ) not sure if there is a Windows equivalent)

Use iPhone Backup Extractor

(1) Open iPhone Backup Extractor

(2) Click Read Backups
(3) Select from Device Name or Date where you want to retrieve your backup data and click Choose.