Saturday, December 11, 2010

iPhone New Tricks

The iPhone 4's operating system represents a significant improvement on earlier versions of Apple's smartphone
operating system. It's also got a new name - iOS - signifying the importance of the iPad alongside the iPhone.
And what's more, iOS 4 is available to users of the iPhone 3GS, third-gen iPod touch and 3G too (albeit with limited features with the latter). iOS 4 will be available for the iPad later in the year.
We've delved right under the hood of the new iPhone to bring you 20 essential iOS4 and iPhone 4 tips.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

iPhone tips & shortcuts

You don't have to be a power user to appreciate time-saving shortcuts for your iPhone. Although we're sure some of you may already be familiar with a lot of these, here's a collection of some of the ones we like and think everyone should know about. We've also added some fun tricks you may not have been aware of. If we missed any of your favorites please tell us about them.